Often times business owners find themselves on the edge of the next great idea. Unfortunately, they don’t always have the tools or people to make their custom project a reality. This is where Pennsylvania Web Technologies comes in. Fortunately, our website designers, graphic designers and programming staff are here to help.
Generally, custom projects are our favorite projects. Pennwebtech’s team has developed custom applications for many websites over the past 18 years. We have a lot of technical experience on our team. If you have an idea, give us a call and let’s make it your reality.
A Recent Custom Project by Pennwebtech
Simply put, every business has different needs. Naturally, that means that there are a wide variety of custom applications customers seek. Our team has developed custom applications for payment systems, tracking inventory, tracking customers, and on and on.
For instance, we were recently hired by a large distribution company. This company purchases products from around the world in bulk. These “bulk” purchases are then broken down into numerous smaller batches. Those small batches are then sold across the United States to various vendors.
This client needed a program that tracked each individual item. In other words, which bulk shipment did it come in? Then, which small batch shipment did it go out with? They also needed to track international & domestic shipping costs associated with each item. There were a lot of moving parts to their business. The ability to track all these moving parts ensured they were keeping their profit margin.
In summary, this customized project was unique to this business. Our Pennwebtech team took on this project and provided the programming this client needed.
Profit Sharing Partnership
Pennsylvania Web Technologies always welcomes the opportunity to partner with companies. Each year we partner with new companies to provide them a fully functional eCommerce website. In return, Pennwebtech receives a profit sharing agreement. While we are very selective on who we partner with, the opportunity is there.
In summary, if you are looking for a partner to help sell your products, please contact our team today.